Really, what’s the point of eating if you can’t pretend you’re somewhere else or someone else or buy a t-shirt with your steak? At least that’s the motto at several great Las Vegas themed restaurants. You’ll find everything here from Star Trek themes to NASCAR. Whether you want to by high society England for tea or enjoy a waiter who will make fun of your waistline as you order Las Vegas has it all. Some popular choices include Dick’s Last Resort where the waiters waitresses treat you like absolute garbage, but in a comical way, bring a sense of humor, Harley Davidson
absolute garbage, but in a comical way, bring a sense of humor, Harley Davidson Café because nothing goes with breakfast like bike fumes, House of Blues, Hard Rock and Planet Hollywood of course, the staples of every tourist destination on earth, Rainforest Café which has every luxury of the rainforest except the giant mosquitoes, Toby Keith’s Steakhouse for the country fans, or for the steak fans, and High Tea at Bellagio where you will have the honor of being treated like true English high society as you pay ridiculous amounts for some leafs in your water. Click on the links to find out more about the different themed restaurants.