Going To Vegas
Carrot Top

3850 Las Vegas Blvd South


Carrot Top

The Luxor is an iconic hotel casino located on the south end of the Strip next to Mandalay Bay. The 30 story black glass pyramid has one of the largest casino floors in Las Vegas and in the world at over 100,000 square feet with over 2,000 slot machines. It is also home of the world’s largest atrium with shopping, restaurants, and entertainment. And inside the atrium showroom is one of the most recognizable acts anywhere, Carrot Top.

While he is best known for the insane props he brings to stage, don’t underestimate the genuine hilarity of his commentary as well. He comments in his stand up on everything from tourists to NASCAR and current events. He then introduces the audience to a number of his “inventions,” things like an Amish hair dryer which is a tube you simply blow into and aim at your hair, or a redneck baby carrier which is box of beer with holes for the head and limbs.

Also, if you think just because a guy brings a few colorful props to stage he must be a family friendly comedian, think again. Carrot Top has a number of hilarious and dirty bits including fitting a phallic attachment to a football helmet to illustrate what a player he is not happy with should wear, and describing how walking during the porn convention in Las Vegas takes an extra hour because your feet keep sticking to the floor.

HoursTicket prices start at $59.95
Dress CodeThis show is 18 and over. Show times are daily at 8:30 p.m. except Tuesday and the theatre may be dark additional days so contact the hotel for details. The show lasts approximately 90 minutes.